If you have ever wondered how a real science project operates and wanted to see what it is like working in a research lab, then the nano2hybrids project should fulfil your curiosity-driven appetite.
Over the next three years, the scientists involved in the EU-funded nano2hybrids project to invent a tiny gas sensor will be breaking new ground in the field of nanoscience and communication.
A selection of science research videos covering the nano2hybrid project will added to this page in addition you can follow the project on through a series of video diaries on the link below.
Links To Other Information:nano2hybrids
The main nano2hybrids website with scientists diaries and video
Carbon Nanotubes Randomly Decorated with Gold Clusters: from Nanohybrid Atomic Structures to Gas Sensing Prototypes
N2H Project Paper published in Nanotechnology
Next Big Thing : Nanotechnology
A discussion programme introducing nanotechnology