This site is no longer being updated. The Vega Science Trust closed in March 2012, and this site has been left here for reference purposes.

Video recordings of lectures from the Royal Society.  The Royal Society hosts regular Public Lectures, designed to give a perspective of science in society from leading scientists, writers and broadcasters. Admission is normally free but tickets are required in advance, and more information is available on the Royal Society Web Site.

Black holes, Wormholes and Time Travel - Paul Davies, Imperial CollegeBlack holes, Wormholes and Time Travel - Science Video Lecture: Paul Davies, Imperial College
Recorded in 2000.  The idea of time travel makes great science fiction, but can it really be achieved? Paul Davies, Visiting Professor of Physics at Imperial College, describes wormholes in space and other ways that might allow travel into the past or future.
Science, A Round Peg In A Square World - Sir Harry Kroto, Sussex UniversityScience, A Round Peg In A Square World - Science Video Lecture: Sir Harry Kroto, Sussex University

This lecture was presented at the Royal Society for the 2002 Faraday Award for public appreciation of science. Sir Harry was given this award for his work with the Vega Science Trust and his lectures and presentations around the world.

The Man Who Loved Only Numbers - Paul Hoffman, Freelance WriterThe Man Who Loved Only Numbers - Science Video Lecture: By Paul Hoffman, Freelance Writer

Video lecture recorded in 2000. An introduction to the life and style of the amazing Paul Erdös, who for more than six decades lived out of two suitcases, criss-crossing the globe chasing mathematical problems. Paul Hoffman describes the life of Erdös in an intimate and entertaining glimpse into the global world of mathematics.



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